HVAC system modeling

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Dear eQuest group,
After modelling the enveloppe geometry and the thermal zones as well as the
internal gains of my building wich is 2B+M+3+TR, I am working now on the
HVAC modelling. Actually I have in the B2 two FCU as well as a fresh fan
room and a an exhaust fan room, in the B1, there is 3 FCU, two HX and some
pumps, in the ground floor 3 FCU, in the floors 2 FCU in each floor and
finally in the roof I have 2 FCU and two air handling unit room, another
thing is that my building is alimented with coil thanks to a district
cooling plant, I have got the information that I can simulate the district
cooling plant with a chilled water meter, but my problem now is how to model
the HVAC system because I can't find how to do this with eQuest.
Thank you in advance for any assistance,

aida darghouth asli's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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