Help with understanding different Baseline Systems and efficiency of one over the other

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Hello All,

I am an Architect by training with my masters in Sustainable Buildings. I have been doing energy simulations for the past 2 years. During this progression of doing energy simulations, I have tried to acquire as much knowledge as possible with respect to Building thermodynamics, psychometrics, HVAC, ASHRAE etc. However, I still need to enhance my quest for this knowledge far beyond.

I have struggled quite a bit to understand difference between different baseline systems in ASHRAE 90.1 Appedix G. ASHRAE do mentions what each system is, however doesn't explain its working. I wanted to know if there is any material which explains these systems in details and importantly why and how one system is efficient over the other.

I would be grateful if someone can share some info on the same.

Thanks in advance.


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Joined: 2013-07-20
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