Open positions at the Center for the Built Environment, UC Berkeley

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Dear building modelers,

The Center for the Built Environment (CBE)
and Singapore Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics
(SinBerBEST) are looking for one Professional
Researcher and one Postdoctoral Scholar to be appointed at the University
of California Berkeley.

One of the candidates will work within the Center for the Built
Environment. CBE?s mission is ?to improve the environmental quality and
energy efficiency of buildings by providing timely, unbiased information on
building technologies and design and operation techniques.? We are
recruiting candidates to work on issues related to our Advanced Integrated
Systems research program, which will focus primarily on radiant systems
over the coming years.

One of the candidates will work within SinBerBEST. SinBerBEST is a large
joint research project between UC Berkeley, National University of
Singapore, and Nanyang Technological University. This effort aims to
improve energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings in tropical
climates. We are recruiting candidates for Thrust 4: Human-Building
Interactions and the Environment. Thrust 4?s mission is ?to acquire
information, create knowledge, and convey understanding to ensure that
indoor environmental quality provided for building occupants is maintained
or improved while energy efficiency gains are achieved.?

I've attached an advertisement describing the two positions.


Paul Raftery, Ph.D.
Research Specialist
Center for the Built Environment | University
of California Berkeley
Phone: + 1 (510) 643-6915 | Skype: praftery

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Joined: 2014-11-17
Reputation: 0