FW: Equest 3.63B error on Nick's computer

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Everyone, we are having issues getting a particular eQuest Wizard model
to run on a certain set of computers. We can run this model in eQuest
3.64 and 3.63b on other Vista 64 bit operating system computers in the
office, so we are pretty sure it is not a Vista problem. The attached
file is a computer that successfully runs the eQuest Wizard model. The
JPEG image shown below shows the specs for a computer that does not
successfully runs the eQuest Wizard model in either 3.64 or 3.63b. Both
computers use Vista and both are 64 bit operating systems. We have
discovered that the error message occurs on another computer we have in
the office with the same parameters as listed below. Does anybody know
what is going on and how do we fix it? Waiting for eQuest 3.65 to maybe
fix the problem is not a successful option.


Kathryn Kerns

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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