Exterior Lighting Power Allowances

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Dear All,

Although this has always looked straight forward during energy
modelling, new questions have been raised lately among my colleagues
about how this issue should be approached in modelling Baseline cases.

Let's say that we have a 1000 m2 landscaped rectangular area in our
model, which is neighbored on one side by a walkway. Bollard type
luminaires placed on the landscape area along the walkway illuminate
both the walkway and the landscaped area. Functionally of course the aim
is to illuminate the walkway, but the bollards also provide an
aesthetical lighting for the plants in the landscape area.

First of all, is there any allowance for landscape areas under
90.1-2007? Do plaza areas include landscape areas?

Second, in calculating baseline power allowance, are we supposed to use
the allownace for Walkways or for the landscape area?

Thank you for any replies,

Omer Moltay

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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