Exhaust Air Heat Recovery

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Does anyone have a suggestion on how to model a heat pump chiller with
chilled water coils in zone exhaust airstreams that rejects its heat to a
water loop to preheat incoming outside air to an air handling unit. The idea
is to cool the exhaust airstreams from room temperature to say 50F, kind of
normal chilled water cooling ranges for the exhaust side. The chiller needs
to be able to make say 140F hot water for preheating use. My air handling
systems are 100% outside air, it's an older laboratory building. The heat
recovery chiller isn't appropriate because I don't have internal loads
requiring mechanical cooling in the winter, the 100% outside air pretty much
takes care of those. Any experience or suggestion anyone might have would be


Rick Routh

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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