eQUEST Wizard Zone Segments

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Is anyone familiar with the rules that govern what segments of a zone will be available in the wizard for placing windows?

As a simple example, assume I have the following footprint definition (8 vertices with 8 sketched segments) and zone footprint (4 vertices with 4 sketched segments)...

[cid:image002.jpg at 01CDCE18.96A16930]

Later in the wizard, for custom windows placement, this information is translated into 5 segments where windows can be placed.

[cid:image006.jpg at 01CDCE18.96A16930]

If you look at the corresponding PD2 file, the zone has actually has more than the 4 segments even though it still only has 4 vertices.

CustomZone "Custom Zone 1"
NumVerts = 4
X[1] = 0
X[2] = 111.8
X[3] = 111.8
X[4] = 0
Y[1] = 0
Y[2] = 0
Y[3] = 111.8
Y[4] = 111.8

FacetWiz "Facet-0-4"
ParentZoneIdx = 0
SegmentNumber = 5

In this particular scenario, it's fairly straight forward to see how eQUEST determines the segments of the zone. However, the rules don't appear to be super straight forward. There are angular tolerances involved, depending on what the zone spans, it segments different, etc. Is anyone familiar with how this is done?

-- Jon

Jonathan Bowser, MCPD

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