SIM file displaying incorrectly

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Hello eQUEST community,

I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced a SIM file that is missing the normal headers for certain reports? For example, my SV-A report display looks like this:

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D20F66.13961750]

I have tried opening and closing eQUEST, restarting my computer, opening the file on another computer, opening the file with the EQ3.64 Simviewer AND EQ3.65 simviewer, and I've made modifications to my simulation but nothing seems to help. This leads me to believe that there is something wrong with the simulation but the simulation runs well without any errors and I get results that make reasonable sense. My other simulation .SIM files seem to work fine. I have attached the simulation file in question which was simulated using EQ 3.65, build 7163.

Any thoughts?? I would have started by checking the archives but they still seem to be not working...

Many thanks,

[Bouthillette Parizeau]

Jason Ng_ing. M.Sc.A.
jng at | | t: 5143833747x2813

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