Zone architecture issues

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Hello all!

I have a curious issue with a simulation I am working on. I am currently nearing the end of the wizard phase and I am about to start adding windows to the envelope, however, I noticed some strange behaviour of the zoning on one of my floors. I am curious if anyone has come across this issue before and whether I should be worried or not going forward. Given the number of zones I created on this floor alone, I am not keen on having to redo this work if something goes wrong in later steps.

The weird thing is that the zoning looks very strange on screen 2 and with the custom window/door placement tool in the wizard. However the 3D model seems totally fine. I am able to add windows in the detailed mode and using %s on screen 6 of the Wizard but not using the custom window/door placement tool in the wizard for the walls that have gone crazy and are missing.

Any ideas??
Below are some screen shots. I have also attached the inp and Pd2 files.

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D27E05.27AAB1C0]
[cid:image002.jpg at 01D27E05.27AAB1C0]
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D27E05.27AAB1C0]

[cid:image006.jpg at 01D27E05.27AAB1C0]
Note that at this stage of the workflow, the lack of roofs is not a concern for the moment.

As always, any input is very much appreciated!

[Bouthillette Parizeau]

Jason Ng_ing. M.Sc.A.
jng at | | t: 5143833747x2813

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