Intel Fortran Run time error Removal

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Hi Guys,

Greeting! :)

The project I'm working on is a slightly big building of 2,50,000 sqft.
With about 700 core zones and their corresponding Plenum zones it accounts to about 1400 Zones in total.

When I simulate the whole thing in Detail Wizard it giving an Error saying:
"Intel(r) Visual Fortran run time Error"
forrtl: info(58):format syntax error at or near (Note: u-values include outside air film)'//73X,'LOCATION OF ORIGIN'/51X, 'GL


[cid:image001.jpg at 01D1F3E7.099C7AE0]

Would anyone of you know is it because of the Computer system in using (which is an Corei7 with a 16GB RAM) or it deals with the Equest model being too heavy.

Let me know what would be a best work around to this ?

Best Regards


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