Equest-users Digest, Vol 74, Issue 6-Multiple Footprints in same Building

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You need a new shell each time the footprint changes. So as per your email floors 1-10 will be one shell??and 11-20 another and so on. You simply have to position the shell with floors 11-20 on top of the previous shell. Make sure to select "immediately above" for the field "Position this shell" on?screen 1 of the DD wizard, assuming you are still in the wizard mode.

As for drawing the footprints, for each shell you need to draw the footprint only once and then?enable floor multipliers , which is also on screen 1?provided you select the mid-rise or high-rise office as building type. so no need to draw 10 floors if 1-10 are the same size.

Hope this gets you going


Ranojoy Dutta | Energy Analyst | Tempe , AZ

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