Cogen heat recovery for dhw

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I am working on a project in which the heat recovered from the CHP
equipment (1,416 kBtu/h) is able to meet the entire service water loop
load (1,384.7 kBtu/h). Both the DHW and CHP run 24 hours a day. The
building is both residential and commercial.

Net hourly loop load, including thermal losses and pump heat = Recovered
heat or free cooling heat applied to this loop ... this is true for all
hours in the hourly report.

However, there is still a consistent small natural gas load for the
domestic hot water. It is flat for all hours of the day. What is this
energy use going to? Standby losses?

I am thinking that it is a minimum energy use of the equipment if the
equipment is operating. What is the minimum part load ratio for a gas
fired storage service water heater? Where can I find the inputs/ outputs
to confirm this?



Kim Wiebe

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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