Simple EEM question - HW Control

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I feel like I must be missing something simple here. I quickly modeled a building to show an energy savings through an EEM. The baseline building is a VAV system with reheat. The baseline HW System Control set-point is fixed, and the EEM is to change that set-point to an OA Reset. My simulation results in no savings. I then quickly did a simple default building with the same mechanical system and the same Energy Efficiency Measure, only to find the similar result of no energy savings. We have typically seen a 1% energy savings for every 4?F the boiler water is reduced for outdoor reset EEMs, but I cannot prove this result by modeling. Can someone please either let me know if there is something in my models that are incorrect, or if I am wrong in assuming an energy savings from implementing a hot water reset from a fixed set-point? Thank you! - Matthew

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