Increassed cooling consumption with DCV Modeling

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Hello Energy Modelers,

This is regarding to increased cooling consumption while modelling DCV in eQUEST.I have prepared a hourly analysis on a single zone modeled without and with DCV, hourly result is attached.

Modeling Inputs

1. Project Location : Bangalore India (moderate climate).
2. Occupancy profile : 90% in office hours and 50% in lunch hours
3. Minimum air schedule is modeled in air side and minimum control is set to DCV reset down.

The outcomes are summarize below:

=Without DCV-With DCV Remarks
Difference in supply air flow (btu) 2,98,886 Reduced
Difference in latent (btu) 0 No change
Difference in total tonnage (TR) -1,764 Increased
Difference in fresh air (CFM) 8,51,210 Reduced
Difference in vent fan consumption (kW) 32 Reduced

Queries :

1. Supply flow air and vent fan consumption is reduced, why their is an increment total cooling consumption.
2. Why their is no change in Total SPACE latent heat load from LOADS (Btu/hr).
3. What should be the correct way to model this and get efficiency.

Warm Regards
Harshal Gupta
Energy Analyst
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Best Regards Harshal
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