Exhaust Air Tracking

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Hi eQUESTers,

I am looking for confirmation that I understand how eQUEST is going to
handle zonal exhaust air.

I have several zones that are supplied by an AHU and exhausted by a
separate common EF. The AHU also supplies other zones and air is returned
from those zones to the AHU from the zones.

In the zones where air is exhausted directly, the E/A tracks the S/A.

For the zones where there is direct E/A, will eQUEST match the O/A
requirements caused by the E/A at the zone level or system level? From my
understanding, I believe it is at the system level but just want to confirm.

For example, let's say an AHU has a min O/A ratio of 0.2 and a zone has a
design S/A flow = 100 CFM with direct E/A flow matching S/A flow (E/A = 100
CFM). For this example, the design O/A from the AHU to Zone 1 will be 20
Will eQUEST boost the O/A requirements to Zone 1 to 100 CFM to match the
E/A flow or will it bring that 100 CFM O/A requirement back the system


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