exhaust fan controls--bit of a bug found

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Hi All (this time with an appropriate title),

I discovered some other strange things today with eQuest so I figured I'd
share them with you:

On the zone level, in the outdoor air tab, if "Track Exhaust" is specified,
but "Intermittent" is specified as fan control at the system level, then the
exhaust flow is reduced at any point when the supply is operating for a
portion of the hour. If the supply fans are not operating at all, then
exhaust flow is modeled appropriately. If supply is at 100%, then exhaust
flow is modeled appropriately. The same thing happens if the exhaust
control is "No Airflow Tracking." (and fans at the system level are modeled
as "Intermittent") It seems that the control sequence for this should be
the same as for when the system supply fan is on continuously but operates
as variable volume (this is what I've done to make-up for the situation).

I hope this is of use to some of you.


KarenW's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200