eQUEST Wizard Zone Segments

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Thanks for the response, Nick. I never thought about the relationship between doors and windows as children of the exterior surface. That's a good way to think of it.

However, I still have some confusion as so when there is an exterior surface. From my tinkering around in the wizard, I've noticed various tolerances that seem to come into play with whether or not there will be an exterior surface to place doors and windows. For example, if the edge of a zone is parallel with an exterior wall and within .45' of that same exterior wall, then there is an exterior surface there. However, if the zone segment isn't parallel with the exterior wall but is within about 5 degrees of being parallel, then different distance tolerances come into play - and when this happens, the exterior surface follows the zone rather than the exterior wall.

I'm generating PD2 files outside of eQUEST, I'm trying to figure out what these "rules" are (hopefully without a huge amount of trial and error) so that I can better guarantee that the generated PD2 file provides legitimate inputs.

-- Jon

Jonathan Bowser, MCPD

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