Register Now! Web Meeting to Collect Feedback on DOE Energy Modeling Roadmap

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IBPSA-USA Web Meeting to Collect Feedback on DOE Energy Modeling Roadmap

You are invited to participate in an IBPSA-USA response to the Department
of Energy request for feedback on their *Energy Modeling Roadmap*
The roadmap will be used by the DOE to prioritize building energy modeling
related funding.

Thursday, March 10, 2016
6-7:30 PM EST / 3-4:30 PM PST

Register Here to Participate

Learn more about the meeting at the *IBPSA-USA website*


Feel free to also leave your comments on this *shared form
which will be submitted by IBPSA-USA on your behalf.
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Steven Ayala's picture
Joined: 2015-01-03
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