Hello Community,
Again, I am coming to you for input in my efforts to make EnergyPlus run
As Nathaniel Jones suggested, I would like to consider not just the current
bottlenecks in EnergyPlus simulations, which are ran from models generated
by designers considering the limitations of the software and its
capabilities; I would like to know where you would like to get more
detailed, precise or accurate data from a simulation run, but accept lesser
data in the interest of getting your job finished in a limited amount of
To boil it down, I'll ask my question this way: *if you could choose one
area in EnergyPlus to speed up, what would it be? Another way of putting
it: where would you like more detail in your models, but you simplify in
order to reduce simulation execution time?*
Many thanks for your help and Happy New Year --
Geof Sawaya