Cooling hours unmet

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I?m having a problem with unmet throttling hours, and I can?t find any
way to remedy it. I?d appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Building Description: A school with an air cooled chiller, boilers, 5
ahu?s with hot and cold coils, and hw reheat at the VAV boxes. The model
also has baseboards in a few spots and a run around energy recovery on
each AHU.

I am working on an energy model put together by someone who no longer
works here. When I run the simulation on his model, I get about 76% of
the hours outside of throttling range, all cooling. Following advice
I?ve found in the archives, I increase my throttling range from 2 to 6
degrees. That brings the hours out of throttling range down to 34%,
again all cooling. Night fan control is set to cycle on any. Increasing
the sizing factor from 1.25 only help very minimally (1-2 % points).
I?ve been messing around with the model, trying different strategies for
days and can?t get it in an acceptable range. I?ve attached the project
files if anyone could take a look at it.

My biggest problem is when the system is sized per the calculated loads,
how am I getting so many hours where the system is not meeting the

Anyway, thanks.

Pat Furey

Furey, Patrick's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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