Boiler HIR

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Dear All,

I have a simple question. If we need to model natural draft boiler as
required by G3.1.3.2 with the efficiency of 80% Et as given by Table
6.8.1F, does this mean that the HIR value in eQuest needs to be 1.25? Or
are there some other intricacies that one needs to take into account here?

Thank you for any replies,

?mer Moltay, LEED AP BD+C

Omer Moltay's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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Bruce Easterbrook's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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Hi Omer,

based on my recent (cited) example from the Reviewer's comments on the
baseline natural draft boiler...this is what I learned from my model and
experience going through this last week for my review comments...

- Natural draft boiler should not show any electric energy use; therefore
the primary equipment efficiency would be an HIR value of 80% or (1/80%) =
1.25 input value. The EIR variable in eQuest defaults to something
relatively small like 0.4% energy use in my recentl model, but the reviewer
didn't even like to see such a negligible amount of "nothing" in the EIR
value which resulted in a very small output number listed under the electric
Spacy Heating end use category.
- When I "zeroed" out the EIR input variable (default or not) this
removed all traces of electric space heating associated with my model.
- Therefore; for your baseline boiler you will need to use HIR = 1.25,
EIR = 0.0 and then model your proposed boiler design as designed so that you
may take advantage of any furhter potential energy savings if you want.

Does this help you? Cheers,

2011/6/21 ?mer Moltay

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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