[Bldg-sim] Trace 700 vs eQuest

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My company has used Trace for many years with the main purpose to
calculate loads. Trace has continued to evolve. However, with the
evolution the program has become more and more detailed for input.
Additionally, the time it takes to calculate results alone can be
extremely lengthy (5+ hours with full year weather data). Now that the
need for energy modeling especially for LEED has dramatically increased,
I am currently modeling several projects using Trace. In talking with a
few architects and even a third party energy modeler, they are using

I realize there is a learning curve for energy modeling as well as new
software. However, my company is looking for an energy modeling program
that allows for straight forward input and reliable/accurate results.

I have downloaded eQuest and spent a few hours looking at the program
and capabilities. At first glance eQuest appears to not be as detailed
in its inputs.

Does anyone have any experience with Trace and eQuest? Pros vs Cons for
energy modeling?

Thanks in advance,

Sherie Hensley P.E., LEED AP

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Joined: 2011-10-01
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