BDL Errors from duplicate components?

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After using an online space renamer tool, I started getting errors dealing with duplicate element names when simulating the building. I found it odd, because results were still produced, and everything else seemed normal. I just had these four BDL errors that never went away.

Well, no they're preventing me from using this file as a parametric run in another model. I decided to try and fix them.

The actual BDL errors dialog is relatively vague, and gives no line number or explanation, but the "detailed" output of the simulation process shows this when it hits the offending lines:

"Office Storage (First Floor) Pln" = ZONE
*************************************** ==== ***********************************
The name Office Storage (First Floor) Pln was already used on line 3935

I went into the INP file, found the lines, and changed '"Office Storage (First Floor) Pln" = ZONE' to '"Office Storage (First Floor) Pln zn" = ZONE'

I'm pretty clueless when it comes to directly editing INP files, but this seemed reasonable based on the way other zone definitions were structured around these lines. I double checked, and this single line was the only location where "Office Storage (First Floor) Pln zn" appeared in the document. Should be good, right?

Now I'm receiving these errors:

"Office Storage (First Floor) Pln zn" = ZONE
*************************************** ==== ***********************************
The name Office Storage (First Floor) Pln was already used on line 3935

That doesn't really make any sense to me and seems contradictory. Is there a maximum character limit for these names or something similar? I can't seem to figure out what is going wrong and the above error description is useless to me.

Thank you all for your time.

Cole Hudson, E.I.T.

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