Using C-ACTIVITY-DESC in keyword expressions to assign LPD, equipment loads etc.

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The space description "C-ACTIVITY-DESC", as shown below, can be referenced by keyword expressions.

[cid:image003.png at 01CFAA5E.1E3325F0]

For example, to assign LPD by space type, follow these steps:

1. As always, save your project and work from a new copy whenever trying something that may be hard or impossible to undo if you pull an "oops".

2. Enter consistent space descriptions based on the first four characters of the description. ("Office - open" and "Office - Enclosed" will both be treated as "offi" because the BDL expression mechanism uses four characters.) This is the most time-consuming step.

3. Enter the following string as a User-Defined Default Expression for LIGHTING-W/AREA:

if(#RV(#L("LIGHTING-SCHEDUL",0))!=0) then unused

else switch(#L("C-ACTIVITY-DESC"))

case "acti": 0.8

case "clas": 1.4

case "offi": 1.0

default: 1.2



(Add or replace case statements, and the default value as applicable to your project's space types. I kept the DOE-2 default expression in the example above, and then added the switch statement.)

[cid:image008.png at 01CFAA5E.1E3325F0]

This appears in the input file as the following:



{if(#RV(#L("LIGHTING-SCHEDUL",0))!=0) then unused

else switch(#L("C-ACTIVITY-DESC"))

case "acti": 0.8

case "clas": 1.4

case "offi": 1.0

default: 1.2



} )


4. "Restore default" to the LIGHTING-W/AREA values of each space to apply the values from the keyword expression. You can do this manually by right-clicking in the field for each space or by deleting lines in the input file. I use the NoteTab Light text editor and the regular expression

"^ LIGHTING-W/AREA.*$" to delete all space LPD assignments (being careful not to delete the keyword expression just entered above), as follows:

[cid:image017.png at 01CFAA5E.1E3325F0]

5. Repeat these steps as desired for other keywords, such as EQUIPMENT-W/AREA, LIGHTING-SCHEDULE, AREA/PERSON etc. Be creative!

6. Do a happy dance.

H/T to Jeremy McClanathan for helping me with this previously.


Bill Bishop's picture
Joined: 2012-02-25
Reputation: 7