90.1 - Minimum LPD for dwelling units

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I'm a little confuse since I have read that article about 90.1 2013 addendum. (http://www.buildings.com/news/industry-news/articleid/20142/title/multifamily-may-be-responsible-for-tenant-lighting-.aspx). It says:

More importantly, the standard would compel owners to address lighting within dwelling units, which have historically fallen outside of 90.1's scope.

Three questions about this statement :

1) For a compliance path (like comCheck), which article from part 9 of the 90.1 standard (2010 or 2013) specifically exclude dwelling unit to have minimum LPD?

2) Since Table 9.5.1 have a minimum LPD requirement for "multifamily" (that obviously include dwelling units), why Table 9.6.1 have no building type specific space type named "dwelling" or a common space type for "bedroom" (for those who want to split the dwelling in different rooms)?

3) In a LEED project (annex G) it's common to combined dwelling units with the same orientation in a single thermal block, which LPD value do you enter in your model for these thermal block ? (I assume LPD are same for your proposed and your baseline simulation)


Julien Dutel, ing., CEM, CMVP.
Minist?re des Ressources naturelles
T?l?phone : 418 627-6379, poste 8060

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