I was determining flow rates for a building when I ran across this conundrum concerning outdoor air requirements in storage rooms. Hopefully someone can help me out.
Vbz=RpPz + RaAz
Where Az is the "zone floor area: the net occupiable floor area of the zone" and Ra is the "outdoor airflow rate required per unit area as determined from Table 6-1". Mechanical rooms have a value for Ra listed in Table 6.1.
However, occupiable space is defined under "Definitions" as "an enclosed space intended for human activities, excluding those spaces intended primarily for other purposes, such as storage rooms and equipment rooms, that are only occupied occasionally and for short periods of time".
Does this mean that there are no outdoor air flow requirements for storage rooms? If so, why is there a value listed for the outdoor airflow rate required per unit area?
Gregg Liddick