HVAC Installation Team Rocking Out
The answer depends on the type of rooftop that is being used. Most rooftops fall into one of three categories –Constant Volume, Variable Volume, and Constant Volume Fan with Variable Volume Terminal Devices.
For a constant volume RTU, there are three airside system types that are typically used – Single Zone, Variable Temperature Constant Volume, and Terminal Reheat.
The single zone and VTCV system types are very similar. They should be used to model RTU’s that have one heating coil, one cooling coil, and one constant volume fan that serve one or multiple spaces. For the single zone and VTCV system types to serve multiple rooms in TRACE, a zone must be created in Assign Rooms to Systems and all rooms served by the RTU must be assigned to that one zone.
Each zone assigned to this system type or each room directly assigned to the system type will be modeled as a separate RTU. Please refer to the document Zoning.ppt for a more details on zoning with SZ and VTCV systems.