How to Model ASHRAE Standard 62.1 in eQUEST

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How To: Standard 62


In this tutorial, we’re going to go over the question “how do I set up space level outdoor air based on ASHRAE 62 in eQUEST?”


The first thing that we’re going to do is a little off-topic, but you’ll see why it’s important. We’re actually going to set up a global parameter. Create Global Parameter. We’ve just got to give this one a name. We’re going to call it OA Multiplier — Outdoor Air Multiplier. Give this a numeric value, the value is going to default to 1. Done with that. That’s all we have to do. We’ll come back to why that’s important.


So as you know, for ASHRAE Standard 62, hopefully, that you have an air flow based on the square footage, and you have an air flow based on the number of people. One thing that definitely happens as you go through a model is the number of people may change in your spaces. Square footage usually doesn’t change much at this point, but it could, especially when you’re cheating to get the square footage to match up with what you’re supposed to match it to. I’m totally kidding, but anyway — we go through here and we’d have to go through each space and look at the space itself. Find the number of people, so on and so forth. That’s really quite difficult.


There’s other methods to doing this, but what I’m going to show you is probably the simplest method, and it’s quite effective. We want to go through to the Air-Side HVAC, where we can enter our air flows. I have an office, a corridor, a conference room, and a kitchen, just for example purposes.


I start with an office because I know an office off-hand. It is 5 CFM per person, and .06 CFM per square foot. Check my notes, here — yes, I am right about that. So, we’ll just go to the office here. We’ll go to outdoor air. From the wizard, there was a flow per person. We could go and delete this. I’m going to edit the user default. I have my windows moved because I have the resolution switched in my recording window. eQUEST isn’t fully cooperating with that, but we’re doing okay. User- Defined Value of 0 is one of the actual options. I had already changed it to that in my test run. Done.