Low Cooling Loads, Big Cooling Electric Consumption

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?Hello All:

In a recent project, my model doesn't have a designed HVAC system, so I'm modeling my proposed the same as the baseline. Baseline system is #8 (chilled water) with FPF's, climate zone 1. Even though I'm getting lower cooling loads for the proposed building, the electric load corresponding to cooling the building is higher than the baseline. Fans and pumps consumption is increasing this value. What can be causing this, how can this value be reduced?



steinvor at msu.edu's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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Does the proposed building have more insulation and does the building have a fair amount of internal heat gains? Adding insulation to a building with even a moderate amount of internal loads can cause a net annual energy penalty, even though summer and winter peak loads are reduced. The effect is more pronounced if the HVAC system does not have an economizer. Search the archives for a more complete explanation.

Keith Swartz, P.E., LEED AP

Keith Swartz's picture
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