New Geometry Tutorials and Webinar

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We are pleased to announce that we have released a new batch of free online tutorials showing you how to create and edit geometry in DesignBuilder quickly and easily. These free short tutorials will provide you with concise guidance to help you get started using the software. They will also enable existing users to refresh their knowledge with the latest tools, techniques, and tips to help improve your modelling efficiency.

The tutorials cover the key areas needed to get started, including how to quickly create and edit building geometry, automated adjacency assignment, importing/exporting models from/to other tools, and creating thermal zones using partitions. If you don't already have a DesignBuilder login, you can register for free via our tutorial webpage here:

You are also invited to join us for a free Q&A webinar on 15th February, where our experts will be available to answer your questions on geometry creation in DesignBuilder. You can register to attend this webinar live or to receive the recording here:

With best wishes,

David Cocking
Director I Tel: +44 (0)1453 755500 I david.cocking at

DesignBuilder Software Ltd, Stroud House, Russell Street, Glos, GL5 3AN

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Joined: 2014-04-09
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