Modeling DOAS plus IU in eQUEST 3.6575 DOE 2.3

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Hello everyone,

I am trying to model DOAS plus Active Chilled Beam (ACB) system using
eQUEST 3.6575 DOE 2.3. Unlike other versions where we had to use
workarounds using dummy space, this version does have DOAS capability. For
modeling ACB, I am using the Induction Unit (IU) and connecting it to the
secondary chilled water and hot water loop. And the DOAS is attached to the
"Mixed Air" rather than "Conditioned Zones". The problem is that the
simulation doesn't proceed after reaching 73% and then the computer hangs.
However, when I change the "DOAS Attached To" to "Conditioned Zones", the
simulation runs perfectly without any interruptions.
[image: image.png]
Has anyone worked on DOAS plus ACB system in eQUEST? I would love to hear
from you.

Thank you.

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