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Dear eQUEST community,

I?m a student using eQUEST to model a building for an engineering project. I?m trying to keep it as simple as possible since I mostly want to focus on the electricity aspect.

The building is a 6 story mix of retail for the first floor, office space for the second and third, and residential for the rest. Also there is a basement floor for storage space (I am not sure how to make the basement floor appear to be underground).

Some problems that I am having:
- Changing Area type to Residential (Multi family dwelling) in the Residential floors
- Changing the weather file to Ottawa, ON instead of Toronto
- The results view shows very low numbers for the electricity consumption (788 KWh for the year)


I have enclosed a zip file of the PD2 that I?m working on. I would appreciate some feedback in addition to tips that will take me to the next level
Please bare in mind that I have just started using eQUEST and I?m mostly using the DD wizard.

Talal Ayoubi

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Joined: 2016-03-19
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