TRAINING - CBECC-RES / California Simulation Engine (May 7-8) in San Francisco

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Big Ladder Software would like to remind everyone that we are leading a
two-day workshop for modifying input files of the California Simulation
Engine -- the
underlying simulation engine for CBECC-Res. This workshop will be held on *May
7-8** in **San Francisco** in collaboration with the **PG&E Pacific Energy

During that week, we are also leading EnergyPlus training workshops that
you can register for separately.

- *EnergyPlus* for Practitioners

*(May 9-10)*
- *EnergyPlus*


*(May 11)*

*Register now for San Francisco
There is
limited space for these workshops so sign-up soon!See our upcoming
workshops in Washington, DC and Toronto
CBECC-Res: Under the Hood

*Workshop Description*

In this two-day workshop we focus on the needs of the energy modeler
analyzing residential building code compliance in California using
CBECC-Res. We cover the fundamentals of the California Simulation Engine
(CSE), the underlying simulation engine for CBECC-Res. Workshop topics
begin with basics on how to adjust simulation settings and schedules and
eventually include more detailed descriptions of HVAC systems, controls,
photovoltaics, and domestic hot water systems. We guide you through the
complexities of the CSE syntax, input/output files, and documentation, as
well as how inputs in CBECC-Res are translated to CSE input file
components. Most importantly, we teach you how to use the available
resources to teach yourself going forward. Demonstrations and hands-on
exercises are used extensively throughout. By the end of the workshop, you
should be comfortable with creating, running, and debugging CSE models in
the context of CBECC-Res.

*This workshop should be a prerequisite for anyone planning to analyze
emerging technologies for residential buildings in the context of
California?s Title 24 energy code. *

Aaron Boranian
808 895-1741

Big Ladder Software LLC
1624 Market Street, Suite 304
Denver, CO 80202

Aaron Boranian 808 895-1741 Big Ladder Software 2549 Irving Street Denver, CO 80211
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Joined: 2014-07-22
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