LEED Fan Calculations - Quiz

11 questions

  1. The proposed building has 1 system that has a supply fan and a return fan. The supply fan is 12 hp, and the return fan is 8 hp. A constant volume system in the baseline building has a design airflow of 10,540 cfm and a .9 inch credit for the use of MERV 14 filters. What is the best answer for the allowed supply fan power for this baseline system?

    10 KW
    5 KW
    8 KW
    6 KW
  2. If the proposed building has an unconditioned garage with a constant volume exhaust fan of 7000 cfm and 5 bhp that operates 8 hours a day, what should be modeled in the proposed building?

    5 bhp with the same schedule
    A 6.58 bhp fan with the same schedule
    A 5 bhp fan that utilizes the LEED defined baseline fan schedule
  3. If the baseline building has a VAV system that receives no fan filter credit and has a cfm of 20,000 cfm, what is the supply fan power allotment for that system?

    6 KW
    15.4 KW
    21 KW
    28 KW
  4. If the proposed building has a dedicated outside air (DOA) fan, supply fan, and return fan, what fans should be modeled in the baseline building?

    Model a supply fan only, since the total fan power will be the same, and DOA should not be modeled in the baseline.
    This is an exception to "the same number of fans" rule. The baseline should consider the DOA fan as part of the supply fan and model a supply fan and a return fan in the baseline
    The same number of fans including a DOA fan
  5. In general, for a building such as an office building with a 20 degree design supply air delta T, the block cfm of the proposed building should be:

    the same as the block cfm of baseline building
    greater than the block cfm of the baseline
    less than the block cfm of the baseline
  6. How does TRACE 700 "know" which building is the baseline, and which building to therefore "recalculate" the fan power?

    The baseline building must be selected after clicking the calculate button and selecting the baseline alternative in the "Performance Rating Method" dropdown box
    The alternative is specified when going to Energy parameters.
    TRACE 700 is hardcoded to identify the use of the baseline materials in the templates and uses this to identify the baseline building
  7. TRACE 700 auto-calculates the fan power for 90.1-2004 or 90.1-2007, where is this defined?

    Under the Actions menu -> Change Load Parameters
    Under the Actions menu -> Change Energy Parameters
    By selecting an alternative in the field "Performance Rating Method" when calculationg
  8. In TRACE 700, the ability to initialize the fan calculations for LEED or 90.1-2007 is disabled (greyed out) by default, how is it enabled?

    By checking the appropriate box under the actions menu
    By importing full year weather
    By adding a second alternative
  9. Which of the following details is not relevant to the fan calculation process for LEED?

    Constant volume vs. Variable volume
    Residential vs. Non-residential
    Pressure Drop Credits
    The U factors of the proposed building
    The Baseline Design CFM
  10. A baseline building has a system with a fan power allowance of 6 bhp. What is the required efficiency?

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    No, I am a liar