Final Exam

45 questions

  1. How many single zone rooftops are represented in the image below?




  2. How many rooftops are represented in the picture below?




  3. If you look into the Trace 700 library, which of the following plants has the most efficient primary unloading curve?

    Air cooled scroll chiller

    Air to air heat pump (air cooled unitary)

    Air Cooled Helical Rotary Chiller

  4. Select where in Trace 700 you would perform the following tasks:

    Set the VAV boxes >= the Design ventilation
    Change to metric units
    Arrange Trace information alphanumerically
    Change the default weather location
    Change to full year weather

    You lose points by selecting incorrect options. You may leave an option blank to avoid losing points.

  5. If the design airflow is set to 100 cfm at design, and the people AND ventilation schedules are set to 50% at noon, what is the nominal CFM of ventilation for that room at noon if Ventilation reset is selected?

    50% of the people * 50% of the ventilation * 100 cfm = 25 cfm

    Design cfm stays constant at 100 cfm

    50% of the people * design Cfm of 100 = 50 CFM

  6. Trace automatically calculates the appropriate hours for optimum start and optimum stop, if each respective schedule is set to Available 100%

  7. If a "buggy" room cannot be deleted in the Project Navigator, it may be possible to delete it in the project tree view.

  8. In a rate structure, 0 cannot be entered for the cost of energy.

  9. The electric Resource Utilization factor is set to 33.33. If 100 Kw-hrs of electricity are used on site, how much energy was used at the source?

    100 * (1 + .33) = 133 Kw-hrs

    100 * 33.33 = 3333 kw-hrs

    100/.3333 = 300 kw-hrs

    100*.3333 = 33.33 Kw-hrs

  10. Rooms can be created in both the component tree view and the project tree view.

  11. Trace requires an input in the project description

  12. Special characters such as periods and backslashes are not allowed in Project information.

  13. Trace uses typical weather when performing a design simulation.

  14. During load design, it is very common to leave the supply airflow set to "to be calculated" in the airflows template.

  15. In the equation Sensible load = 1.085 * cfm * (T1 - T2), the number 1.085 is called the density specific heat product (DSHP). This number changes based on elevation and other factors. Trace uses this number to calculate the sensible load. In exercise 1, what DSHP did Trace use? (Hint: it is located in one of the first three reports in the upper left quadrant  of the design reports)





  16. Match the building construction process to its equivalent field in Trace 700.

    Laying out ductwork
    Selecting a plot of Land
    Picking out your fan type
    Deciding that you are going to build an office building
    Selecting cooling efficiency

    You lose points by selecting incorrect options. You may leave an option blank to avoid losing points.

  17. Trace 700 can calculate which of the following?

    Building air conditioning loads

    Building Energy Consumption

    Annual operating cost of building.

    All of the above

  18. Trace 700 is approved for LEED EA credit 1 calculations.

  19. Match the fields with the type of output they affect.

    Wall Type
    Project information
    Rate Structure
    Plant Efficiency
    Assign systems to plants

    You lose points by selecting incorrect options. You may leave an option blank to avoid losing points.

  20. If templates are used properly, it is likely that most rooms will only require data entry in single sheet tab of create rooms

  21. In the thermostat template, the heating setpoint may be less than or equal to the cooling setpoint

  22. A system with multiple heating coils may have those coils assigned to multiple heating plants

  23. It is OKAY to have an archive file with a name longer than 15 characters, as long as you only change the archive name after the file is archived in Trace.

  24. If you wish to share a file, what methods could you use? (select 2)

    Send the user the .trc file

    Send the user an archive of your file (.taf)

    Send the user your .trc file, as well as your lib7.db.

    Send the user a .trc file as well as your library.exp file. Make sure the other user imports the .exp file before trying to calculate.

  25. Consider a large truck. Match the truck's variables to its analagous field in Trace.

    Labeled miles per gallon
    Peak hauling capacity
    The gallons of gas used
    The average brake horsepower for a given hour

    You lose points by selecting incorrect options. You may leave an option blank to avoid losing points.

  26. A common reason that Trace cannot calculate is that a user forgets to create rooms

  27. The energy calculation in Trace 700 uses the same max/min weather as the load design calculation.

  28. Selecting the cooling plant ONLY selects the efficiency of the equipment.

  29. Which of the following is selected when selecting a cooling plant?

    The cooling capacity

    The default heat rejection equipment

    The pump full load consumption

  30. The economics simulation is the fastest portion of the simulation in Trace.

  31. Economics can be simulated by simply selecting a rate structure

  32. The size of the rooftop cooling coil can be accessed by the same checksum report regardless of system type?

  33. What design report gives you a list of all equipment modeled?

    System Checksums

    Room Checksums

    System Component Selection

  34. If alternative 1 is copied, and NO other changes are made: If alternative 2 is set to "use alt 1" for all possible fields, the file size will increase significantly.

  35. If you wish to copy an alternative to change the glass type in all rooms and compare them, which option would be the simplest but would still work?

    Set templates to "based on alt 1" and change the glass type in the templates

    Set rooms and templates to "based on alternative 1" and change the glass type in the templates.

    Set everything to "based on alt 1" and change the glass type in the templates and rooms

    Set rooms to "based on alt 1" and change the glass types in only the rooms that have glass.

  36. When importing a library of the same, selecting to replace the library with the one in the .exp file will over-write the existing library of the same name, removing it permanently

  37. Select the best option to use for the following scenarios:

    What option you select for plants when adding an alternative that has several WSHP plants to compare to alternative 1 that has a single fan coil system and 1 chiller plant with several chillers working in parallel
    What to select for systems when adding an alternative where the fan type is different in several systems
    What option to select for rooms when adding an alternative where the fan type is different in several systems.

    You lose points by selecting incorrect options. You may leave an option blank to avoid losing points.

  38. If each of the plants is at 50% load, what percent power does the unloading curve, "primary power consumed" correspond to?

    Default WSHP
    Air cooled Scroll Chiller
    Industrial Rooftop-IPAK-20+ Ton-Scroll (air cooled unitary)
    Default Air cooled Chiller
    Default Water cooled Chliler

    You lose points by selecting incorrect options. You may leave an option blank to avoid losing points.

  39. There is a limit of 1000 rooms in TRACE 700

  40. The default weather location can be edited in TRACE 700 by going to the customized settings.

  41. TRACE 700 can only use the UATD load methodology

  42. Selecting "Available 100%" as a schedule for Lights, People or Misc Loads will likely cause problems when sizing heating coils

  43. Selecting a base utility of "Domestic Hot water load" will not consume any energy when selected as "stand alone"

  44. All heat pumps in TRACE require a backup heating plant.

  45. TRACE 700 can only import the building geometry from a gbxml file.