Weather File Missing

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I have looked at the archives, but did not see anything specifically
related to this topic. I exported from Elite Chvac into eQUEST. I did
not get any BLD errors, but when I click on Simulate Building
Performance, I get an error that says "The following weather file is
required to perform the simulation for the selected location but was not
found: C:\Users\Sheri\Documents\eQUEST 3-64 Data\Weather\CZ2 \ CZ06.bin"
I click on the Install via Internet button & get this error: " An error
occurred while opening the file to be downloaded, Error:3".

I looked in this directory & that file is actually there, so I do not
understand why it is not recognizing it.

I did try to go in through eQUEST to see the actual location selected
and it shows the default information. I thought this should have come
through with Chvac as my building is in Kansas.

Any assistance would sure be appreciated!!

Thank you,

Sheri Rice,

sheri at's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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