Erased Building Creation Wizard Data

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A couple of very disconcerting errors and messages had come up on the
model that I have been working on for the past month and all day today.

Firstly, when I went to simulate the building performance in detailed
Data Edit and suddenly the weather data disappeared. "An error occurred
while opening the file to be downloaded, Error:3". Does anyone know how
to reattach the weather file? Or know what happened?

Second and more alarmingly, I can see the building but when I try to go
into the Building Creation Wizard all of my inputs are gone and are the
defaults. This would be fine except for the heat recovery and set
points that I have to change. Everything seems to be fine in Wizard
Data Edit (except for the lack of weather which I realize might be
because the project data doesn't have the building's location)

Is there a way to "find" the data that seems to be present in the
geometry of the building but not in the Building Creation Wizard? If I
re-input everything will I lose the geometry and settings that I have?



Kahn, Jessica's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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