Appendix Tabel G3.1.1 1 Correspondence

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Hi Users,

I am not an HVAC expert, and I have a basic question to ask, though it is not quite related to equest itself:

If the Baseline HVAC system type is "System 6-Packaged VAV w/PFP Boxes", which one from Table 6.8.1A-G shall I use to determine the minimum efficiency?

After review of EAc1 from GBCI, it is stated that my COP/EER input is inconsistent with Table 6.8.1--"The applicable capacity ranges for the systems used in the Baseline and Proposed Case shall be consistent with the ranges listed in Tables 6.8.1A through 6.8.1G." It seems to me that a wrong table is used as reference.

Thanks in advance!


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