Window replacement and infiltration rate changing

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Dear eQuester:

I want to run a simulation by EEM wizard. I want to replace exiting single pane,
clear windows with double pane clear windows for a school building.

I changed the class type form single pane clear to double pane clear windows.
The energy saving doesn?t look good. I have two following questions need
someone's guidance.

Question 1:

My question is that this EEM will reduce perimeter infiltration rate of the
building. I am not quit sure if I need to reduce the perimeter infiltration rate
in the simulation. If, it does, how many percentage of infiltration rate do I
need to reduce?

Question 2:

Does eQuest programmer has already considered this issue and changed the
perimeter infiltration rate automatically with changing window glass type and
insulation of the windows?

Yingqi Chen

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