all input values

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Hey everyone!

I need access to all the input values for a given model, specifically for
infiltration calculations. I've searched through the INP file but it
doesn't show every parameters.

I'm studying the ASHRAE Enhanced infiltration method and seeing the effects
of altering the coefficients. You can alter these values by going through
Detailed Mode. Within Properties of any spc or plnm zone, select
Infiltration and change the Infiltration Method to 'ASHRAE Enhanced'. I
need to be able to read these values for further calculations and later use
in a MATLAB program.

The only files I've been able to read have been the INP, SIM, and CSV
(_EG_MoEU_ED) files.

Thanks so much,

Katie MacKenzie

Katie Mac's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 0


try reading the BDL file. this is the file that is created from the .inp
file so that DOE2 can read it in BDL (Building Description Language.)


Pasha Korber-Gonzalez's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 600

Assuming you are looking for the definition for the model, the place to look is the inp file. If you've not changed the default values, all you'll see (in the space deffinition) is:


When you change the defaul Flow Coefficients and Stack coefficients you'll see this as well:


Here's what the help files say about this:


For INF-METHOD = ASHRAE-ENHANCED, specifies the flow coefficient 'c' in the equations:

Qs = c * Cs * dTn

Qw = c * Cw * (sf*Wlocal)2n

Qnet = [ Qs2 + Qw2 ]1/2

Qs infiltration due to the indoor/outdoor temperature differenial, cfm
c flow coefficient, cfm/(in. H2O)n
Cs stack coefficient, (in. H2O/?F)n
dT absolute value of the indoor/outdoor temperature differential, ?F
n pressure coefficient
Qw Infiltration due to wind, cfm
Cw wind coefficient, (in. H2O/mph2)2n
sf Shelter factor, modifier of local wind speed based on immediate surroundings
Wlocal local wind speed as modified by the SITE-PARAMETER terrain parameters, mph
Qnet Net infiltration due to the combined effect of temperature and wind, cfm

Stack and wind coefficients vary according to the number of stories in the house, whether a flue exists, and whether the house has a crawl space. The default FLOW-COEF is based on the first example given in the 2005 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals, pp. 27.22; scaled by the square root of the ratio of the SPACE:VOLUME divided by the volume in the example, 12,000 ft3.

Because the units are dependent on the pressure exponent 'n', this keyword is dimensionless in the input, and this method currently cannot be used with metric input. If simulated in metric, this keyword must still be defined in English.

Sami, Vikram's picture
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