End results analysis

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Hi All,
In on of my projects i was geeting the energy end results
for two cases

Cooling Fan

1 Proposed Case 3627607 26,226,040

2 Proposed Case2 3627295 12141210 59,369

This is a fctory hall of 72000sqft served by 2 air cooled screw chiller of 180TR

The difference in two cases is that in first case Proposed Case1 the
EPD was 38w/sqft and occupancy was 220 ,and in Proposed case2 EPD
was changed to 11w/sqft and Occupancy to 100, my doubt is that with
such a large variation in EPD and Occupancy why there is neligiable
variation in cooling energy0.008% and zero variation in pump energy as
shown in above results although this is large variation in fan energy.

I was expecting that the energy in three of them Cooling Fan and Pump
should have come down drasticaly it happened with fan but not with
cooling and pump.

Can anyone suggest some logic to this.

Sambhav Tiwari

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