Help - Manipulating dedicated gas consumptions in eQUEST

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good afternoon everyone,

We are modelling a 2 story multi-family structure in eQuest that contains
four 3 bedroom apartments side by side. After simulating the model, we have
found that the eQuest estimate for TOTAL gas consumption (space heating +
DHW + misc. equipment) is very close to our spreadsheet calculation. The
model indicates a total annual gas consumption of 413.14 Million Btu's. We
calculated 414.01 Million Btu's. Very close! However, the proportions of
Btu's dedicated to space heating, DHW, and misc equipment is very different
in our eQuest model and our spreadsheet. Does anyone know a simple way to
manipulate the proportions of Btu's dedicated to each of these three
categories without affecting the TOTAL annual gas consumption which is
nearly dead on? We would like to divy it up based on our calculated usage
patterns. We understand that this might be accomplished by adjusting the
numbers in the Space Heating/DHW boiler diagrams. Also, that changing the
daily/weekly schedules might affect this. Are these the only ways to
approach this or is there a more simple solution without having to crunch
such numbers?


Vaughn Slovak

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