Equipment Sizing

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Hey eQuesters,

I am trying to figure out where to enter the size of my heat pump equipment
in the detailed interface. As far as I can tell there are two places. If I
go under the "Air-Side HVAC" tab then all of my systems are displayed on the
left side in the component tree. Each system has two options I can right
click on, for Example "EL1 Sys1 (PSZ) (G.ENE1)" and "EL1 ENE Perim Zn
(GENE.1)", the second option being a sub tab of the first. When I right
click on the main tab and go to properties there are "cooling" and "heating"
tabs which both have options for Total Capacity, which I would assume is
where I should enter my system sizes. I then found on the sub tab when you
go to properties on the first tab "Basic Specifications" there is a "Zone
Cooling and Heating" area at the bottom which also has Total Capacity, which
was not the same as what I entered in the first area. Should these match,
if not does anyone know what the difference between these two is?


Michael Shields

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