Heating Hours Unmet

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I have a packaged single zone system using DX cooling and Furnace heating
that serves 7 different zones and is controlled by the corridor zone. This
is supposed to replicate "System 3" in ASHRAE 90.1 appendix G. I have many
unmet heating hours (including my system control zone). I have let eQuest
auto size equipment capacities and and cfm. I have tried doing everything I
can think of to reduce the number of unmet hours. My OA volumes are pretty
small and shouldn't be affecting it. I expected possibly a few unmet hours
in some of the zones, but not in my control zone, the corridor, and not to
this magnitude. I get the following warning message seen below, I'm not
sure what it means by "Baseboard-Rating"? Any ideas on what this means or
how I could reduce the number of unmet heating hours?

ZONE EL1 Food Storage Zn (G.S2)
might have insufficient heating capability.
Check that the SYSTEM or ZONE HEATING-CAPACITY plus this
ZONEs BASEBOARD-RATING is adequate to maintain the ZONE
specified DESIGN-HEAT-T for the calculated peak ZONE load
(see LS-A or LS-B for the ZONE peak load.)

Thanks for your help,

Kyle Nisonger

Nisonger, Kyle M NWK's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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