Fan Power and number of fans in the proposed and baseline design

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Hello all,

I model a residential building with dwelling units and a multipurpose
space (92000 ft2) . It has a schedule 24/7 hour of operation. Proposed
design has 2 DOAS unit with 2 AHUs and fan powered boxes. Each unit has
it's own FPB. The baseline design is PTAC. My proposed design has Forward
curved with VFD Main, return, optional, and exhaust fans. Fan power VAV
fans are used as secondary fans. My Baseline design has FC with VFD
return, optional, exhaust fans. Main fan is constant volume FC fan. I use
90.1-2004 standard for the energy model.
My question is if I have to include FPB from the proposed design for energy
calculations in the baseline design or I have to exclude them from the
proposed design. May be I am doing right and I have to count them in the
proposed design only.
Now my fan power is much higher in the proposed design than in the baseline
Please, advise.

Thank you,

*Genia Gorbachinsky

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