Fan energy fundamentals

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Paul & others:

I just wanted to say off the bat: the EDR resource Paul linked us looks
to address the heart of my query directly (and thank you so much!), but
it's difficult for me to summarize further right now...

I think I'll need to re-read the appropriate parts of this document a
few times over and arrive at a deeper understanding of actual
methods/sequencing strategies for static pressure reset before I come to
any definite conclusions regarding VAV fan curve.

The query I'm trying to nail down is what assumptions and specific
system behaviors the DOE2 library/default curves and particularly the
prescribed 90.1-2007 baseline curve represent, and from there answer
what's fair game insofar as defining/modifying a different sort of
EIR-FPLR curve for a proposed model. I have the understanding that the
associated fan energy savings between various approaches are potentially
big and real, but I'm scratching the surface of how to actually model it
to a realistic degree.

If anyone has pondered the same topic or is a few strides ahead of me
and wishes to share any thoughts/guidance, please do not hesitate =).



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Joined: 2011-09-30
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