Representing Hotel Occupancy

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Dear Forum,

. 10 story hotel with 200 guest rooms facing all compass directions

. Each guest room has HVAC and outdoor air from a through-the-wall
heat pump

How can I create a simple modeling scheme and schedules which will reflect
normal occupancy variations?

As I think about it, the reality of operation is quite different than a
central HVAC unit, because random individual rooms can be completely off,
while others are on. Room temperature, ventilation and fan power are all
affected. There will be no predictable pattern for which rooms are unused
or unoccupied. ASHRAE does have some typical use patterns in their 90.1
User Manual but, for example, they assume 100% on time for fans. That's too
coarse for my taste, and will overestimate energy substantially.

I REALLY don't want to model 200 individual zones with varying schedules! I
know that I'm not the first one to wrestle with this idea, so I am hoping
for some creative insight from you.

Thanks in advance!

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Joined: 2011-10-02
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