Public Review announcement for addenda to ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1

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See the announcement below especially related to CJ, R, and W.



The public review of the following addenda started on
Friday, June 10 2010 as announced in the ASHRAE Standards

To access the Standards Action, and to review instructions
on how to submit comments on any of these public review
drafts, please go to

30 day public review periods from June 10, 2011 to July
10, 2011:

Addendum L (First Public Review)
This addendum fixes a mistake in Section for fan
brake horsepower methodology.

Addendum n (First Public Review)
The intent of this addendum is to clarify that the total
lumens/Watt for the entire elevator cab is being required to
meet the efficiency requirement, but that it is not required
that each individual light source must comply.

Addendum o (First Public Review)
This addendum updates the fenestration air leakage
provisions to clarify the requirements for glazed sectional
garage doors. A new definition for sectional garage doors is
also added.

Addendum s (First Public Review)
Large amounts of fan energy can be wasted when zones report
incorrect information to the control system, which causes
the supply fan speed to increase, often to maximum speed.
This addendum requires additional safeguards to prevent
this, and for non-DDC systems requires location of sensors
in locations that do not require high setpoints.

Addendum t (First Public Review)
This addendum makes corrections (Dampers) to
correct the reference to the proper section for damper
leakage. In addition this addendum also clarifies that the
damper leakage requirements in (Damper Leakage)
and as defined in Table (Maximum damper leakage)
applies to the return air dampers used in economizers

Addendum u (Advisory Public Review)
This addendum proposes to add a reference to AMCA Standard
205-10 to require fan efficiency requirements to be
classified based on fan efficiency grades.

45 day public review periods from June 10, 2011 to July
25, 2011:

Addendum a (First Public Review)
This addendum updates the test procedure references for
product information in the Tables in Section 10.8 (product
information), and also adds a normative reference in Chapter
12. This will make the table references more consistent with
other equipment tables (and other test procedure references)
in the Standard.

Addendum cj (Second Public Review ? ISC)
This addendum modifies Appendix G (Performance Rating
Method) to change the requirements for economizers and how
they are modeled in computer rooms.

Addendum m (First Public Review)
This proposal adds power density and control requirements to
capture additional savings, adds a needed exemption for
practical application, includes submittal requirements, and
changes control credits to apply only to lamps in multi-lamp
fixtures that are controlled.

Addendum q (First Public Review)
This language updates the ASHRAE dynamic glazing definition
to match the National Fenestration Rating Council dynamic
glazing definition.

Addendum r (First Public Review)
This addendum clarifies the intent of the committee and
relocates all wording related to thermostat and humidity
schedules to the Schedules section of Table G3.1 for greater
ease of use.

Addendum v (First Public Review)
This proposal requires that the controlled receptacles be
appropriately identified so that users can clearly
distinguish between controlled and non-controlled receptacles.

Addendum w (First Public Review)
This addendum clarifies the credits for renewable energy and
purchased energy in Section 11 (Energy Cost Budget Method)
and Appendix G (Performance Rating Method)

Jason Glazer's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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