HVAC Equipment Sizing

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Dear all

I am comparing the epuipment sizing of a day time and a 24 hr office
building on EnergyPlus. When I simulate the two while autosizing the hvac
equipment, the Nominal Cooling Capacity (W) of the 24 hr building comes less
than the day time building. Though the total energy consumption, as
expected, of the 24 hr building is more than the 12 hr building, why
the cooling capacity (equipment size) of the 24 hr building is lower than
the 12 hr building. In my particular case, for a conditioned area of around
1600 m2, the cooling capacity for day time and 24 hr building is coming
around 146 kW and 128 kW, respectively.
What could be the possible reasons for such behaviour?

Sandeep Kachhawa

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