FW: new DES document is now posted

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------ Forwarded Message
From: Mike Opitz Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 10:19:16 -0400
To: Subject: new DES document is now posted

Good morning external DES stakeholders:

As an FYI, the updated & improved version 2.0 DES guidance document is now
official and posted. It covers D&C programs for both LEED v2.x and LEED
2009; see the front matter in the document for details on how to apply it to
each. The EBOM version is not ready yet but will be later this summer.

You can find this document at several places in the LEED area of our site,
including here:


A big thank you to all who helped get it done. If this affects you or your
customers please help get the word out using all suitable channels.


Mike Opitz PE

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